Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Day in Collierville

Today we woke up extra early to leave for Collierville! We went to the the 10am showing of Shrek at the Malco. The kids were thrilled. Kayla sat in her little booster seat and Preston sat in my lap. They looked so cute, each with their own tub of popcorn and their mini Dr. Peppers and bottlecaps! I never really cared much for the first two Shrek movies and with the thrid one also being PG I was a little unsure! I was actaully very impressed with Preston's behavior. He hasn't been to the theater since Alvin and the Chipmunks was playing. At the movie we ran into C.J. a boy from Kayla's preschool class! After the movie we went to the Johnson Water Park. We had invited Brandy and Dalton to come play but we were blessed with good news that she was pregnant again and didn't want to be out in the heat. We also had invited Tyler, Ethan, and Kaylie but their mom was busy today. The kids played with each other but not for as long as usual. So we left here and went to Little Ceaser's to pick up a Pepperoni Pizza and headed over to Granna and Papaw's house. The kids ran up and rang the doorbell. We ate our pizza with ranch as Papaw pulled out the Encyclopedia! Haha Kayla was determined that Max and Ruby was on t.v. so as I am searching channels, Papaw hides in the closet and scares Preston half to death. Preston heard a noise and went to open the closet and Papaw came running out and Preston ran half way across the living room! It was fun, I went through the attic and found my old red Going To Grandmas suitcase so that for future visits the kids could use it. The best part was that it was filled with all of my old Barbies and tons of clothes! Preston was amused by my Beast Doll lol! After awhile of all of us making fun of Yogi Bear, Preston and I left to come back home! Kayla gave us a big hug and was ready for her first few days away from home with Granna and Papaw. As we drove down the street within seconds Preston was fast asleep! We made it home in time to cook dinner for Daddy. After dinner Chris and I went to Hastings to sign up to rent some movies. We picked out Dan in Real Life and National Treasure..Book of Secrets. There were sooo many movies that I wanted to rent but I'll have to wait till next time! It is pretty cool because the movie rentals are $3.99 and you have a week to return them but if you bring them back the next day then you get a $2.00 credit. When we got back home Chris went out and picked some plums and pears off the fruit tree out back. Then we rough housed with Preston until he was laughing so hard no sound was coming out! Haha Grandaddy bought him this drumset/keyboard thingy and he just rocks with it pounding as hard as he can to make the sounds! It has been an exhausting day for my little boy and now he is fast asleep. Now it is time for Chris and I to start watching our movies! I'll let ya know how I liked them. Papaw and Granna will be bringing Kayla home Friday afternoon and we are excited to show them around Dyersburg! I think mother is especially excited about the fruit tree! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Does mother want to be called Granna now instead of Grandma? I haven't heard anything!
That is soooooo strange. I thought about that red Grandma's suitcase this morning- after years of forgetting about it! I was wondering where it was for some reason... Also I remember that Beast doll- hahaha!!
I'm glad you're getting time with Preston. That sounds great. Finally, I really liked Dan in Real Life a few months ago so can you believe I rented it again last night- such coincidences! Dax has been gone till 11:30 every night doing his musical so I ate M&Ms and watched my movie : ) This was a really long comment.

melody said...

this day sounds fun!
and i really liked dan in real life, so hopefully you liked it!

The Robertson Family said...

Ahhh um I didn't really care much for Dan in Real Life. I guess I imagined it being more about him and the three girls not him trying to find a woman lol

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!