Thursday, July 17, 2008

So much to do today

Another day and I have so much I need and want to do but I am choosing to write this blog! All Preston has wanted to do is play with his trucks...he is really enjoyng Kayla not being here sad to say. I have already cleaned the kitchen and living room and I am about to organize our closets again! Don't you hate it when you spend so much time on something and then turn around and everything is just thrown everywhere as if you hadn't tried to make it easier to put things in there place! This makes me mad! hmmmmm also today Preston and I are going to visit some more Preschools since it is so much easier to run errands with one child. I am proud to say that I have two more bags to donate to the goodwill. We are also going to the library to get some more books. At this library you can only check out 5 books at a time whereas at Collierville you could check out 15!  I was going to take Preston swimming today but his back is starting to peel and so we may stop by Grandparents house later in the evening for a swim in his t-shirt. I am wanting to read my book, finish cross stitching my project, and study for my NLN test but how many times have I had Preston by himself? Hardly any so today is going to be a day for the both of us! 

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!