Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another Crazy Dream

As you have read from my previous post, I have just seen The Dark Knight! Chris had a wresting show last night and it was storming like crazy all night. Sometimes I get things in my head and get a little scared to be by myself and the kids had already fallen asleep. I kept waking up thinking I saw someone in Kayla's room but it was just her backpack hanging on the doorknob. Then I woke up because I heard the drying chiming. Then I woke up because I forgot to thaw out the ribs. Uggggg I finally got into a deep sleep and of course I had a crazy dream! I dreamed that I was at our old house in Collierville. Well it was all hardwood when we lived there but in my dream it was all carpeted. There was a young guy with glasses and his girlfriend living there now. They invited me inside and the girl told me that it was so cool because she could fit her tanning bed in the closet. I went in and she had a tanning bed in the closet but she was sitting along the wall wrapped in Preston's first baby blanket, the plush one with the pastel colors and jungle animals on it. I look above her head and there is a black vacuum cleaner hose hanging from the ceiling over her head and UVA lamps are glowing from inside of it and she said she was tanning her face?!!!!! I remember throughout the dream I mentioned that I worked at a tanning salon for almost three years and that was not how you tan your face, and that it was not safe to store a tanning bed in a closet! Then somehow she went to showing me all of her formal dresses from High School Events and told me that she had gained some weight so if I wanted to pick out some I could. As I walked back outside I have several dresses in my hand. HAha of course! The scene changes again and I am driving one of those big white semi-trucks loaded with house furniture in the back. I am driving down a long curvy road and the weather starts getting bad. I look ahead and see a large dark funnel cloud coming towards me. There is nothing around me , no buildings, trees, other cars, birds......Nothing! I crash and can feel the truck flipping over with full force. My head is pounding and I open my eyes. I can not move my neck and am soooo scared. I move my hand downward and grabbed my phone to call Chris since he was on speed dial. I told him I had been in an accident and that I didn't know where I was or why I was driving a semi truck but that I could not move anything but my hands and I needed him to call an ambulance. He said," Your a grown woman, you can call the police yourself!" It was then that I woke up from this dream and my neck was stiff just like in the dream!! It took me a little while to loosen it up but it scared me!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Man! Those are some interesting dreams! Haha- I can just see that girl tanning her face and you thinking she was crazy. Next time you crash you should call me instead. I'll call 911 right away!! : )

melody said...

whoah that's a crazy dream!! i'm glad you're okay! haha

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!