Sunday, July 27, 2008

Super Nintendo

I have been wanting to play Super Nintendo lately! When I was younger my parents bought us one and Melody has had it ever since we all three went our seperate ways! It is my turn...... I did some looking on Ebay and I found the Super Mario All Stars game which has Mario 1-3 and a bonus land. I am trying to talk Chris into getting it for me because Mario 3 is my favorite! I found Harvey's Humongous Adventure which was mine and Melody's favorite game but it was like in Chinese or Korean so I couldn't understand how much they wanted for it! I really want that game so I am going to keep on looking for it. I also remember us having competitions with Donkey Kong and the loser had to go down stairs and make a snack. We would lay on the floor with our heads propped up on our pillows and play all day until told to do something else. Chris's dad just bought a Nintendo 64 but it is just not the same. 

1 comment:

melody said...

haha!! that harvey game! i've been looking for it, too! i found it on ebay a while ago, but never got it...
and there's a game store here that sells those old nintendo games, and i found one we had rented at one point! it has those two little kids and their dinosaurs... it's actually really hard- i don't know how we played it when we were little!
but when i come home next, i'll bring it and all the games...

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!