Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stay at Home Day!

Today we don't have anything planned. We are all just hanging around the house in our pajamas! Kayla is wearing her Little Mermaid nightgown with some hunter green sweat pants, Preston is wearing his raindeer Christmas Sleeper, I am wearing my Pink Robe, and Chris is wearing his white t-shirt and red pants. Haha and I am not posting a picture but I bet you laughed just picturing us! I got up early and made everyone ham, egg and cheese omletes and buscuits with jelly. Preston has been upsessed with some new movies...Transformers, and Fast and the Furious. Of course these movies are beyond his level so we let him watch them but turn the volume on low. He is usually playing with his toys at the same time anyways. Most of the morning Kayla has been playing all around the house with her Barbies and it is driving me nuts finding little clothes and shoes everywhere! I have been studying most of the morning on synonyms trying to prepare for my NLN test. Ha Melody just sent me a text message saying that she was watching Monkey Trouble! I used to get so mad because she would hog the t.v. and watch that movie over and over and over again. THE END

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About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!