Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Sunday

Chris and I have decided to make Sunday's our official Family Meal Day. On this day his parents and brother come over early and visit while someone prepares a meal. This Sunday is my turn to cook for everyone and I have decided to make spaghetti with meatsauce with garlic bread and italian salads on the side. Yumm. I announced last Sunday that I was making spaghetti and everyday this past week Kayla has asked me when we are having spaghetti, soo I know that she will be excited. My dad is the one that taught me how to cook mostly. I love knowing all his secret ingredients he puts into his meals.haha Well I will add more when the day is done.:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth's spaghetti is the best spaghetti. I've still never had any better.

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!