Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last Night

Last night was a fun night! Chris's parents came over with some homemade vegetable soup for dinner but we already had some hamburger meat cooking to make sloppy joes. In my opinion the hamburger meat smelt really gross so I went around and lit a bunch of candles throughout the house. Chris was making some sweet tea and and WHOOSH flames lit up from underneath the pan and it was smoking! I grabbed the kids and we went out the back door as Chris poured salt all over the tea! So much for my fresh smelling house!haha Chris and Tracy came over shortly after all of this and luckily most of the burnt smell was gone. Every Tuesday we have them over to watch Nip/Tuck. We sat through 3 episodes last night and I always laugh because as they say it is the craziest drama out there! During our 2nd episode, our pet snails start mating. Umm yeah Chris thought he bought two males. We promised to give Tracy the first pick haha. Chris just got a new phone and has been playing with it and driving me nuts! Now the three of them have the same phone and I am the odd ball, but I like my Pink Razor for now. I am not due for an upgrade until Feb. I can't wait until Friday! Chris will be out of town for wrestling and when he goes out of town his parents always take me and the kids out to eat! We get a bonus movie this weekend! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

College Update

This morning I went to meet with my advisor at Dyersburg State. I get there as soon as it opens at 9am and there is a line of course. I put my name on the list and wait my turn. At my table I met two girls fresh out of High School. One of them said she worked at Sonic and just kept rambling on how she was going to be late for work. The other girl said she worked at the Petstore and just recently a male shittzu was stolen! Then she told me that if she hadn't of worked at Taco Bell for two years that she would be small like me. Haha Well, after awhile of random conversation and I mean random my name was called. Don't ask me my advisors name because I couldn't tell ya know azultz moralik. He didn't really advise me he just asked me what I wanted to take. I told him what I needed to take and it popped up that I had a hold because they needed my Compass Scores from 2001. So I had to leave there and go to Admissions and give them my U of M transcript. The lady told me she only needed to record my English and Math classes and she would remove the hold. I told her that I had my Southwest Transcripts so she could go ahead and enter all of my Science classes as well but she told me she didn't need to. So I go back to the Learning Center and sit down with my advisor again. We register for Microbiology Lecture/Lab and Developmental Psychology and then it pops up on the screen Can Not Register because Prereqs needed. Well I have taken AP2 and Psychology 1 at Southwest and remember that lady told me she didn't need it. So once again I go to the Admissions office so they can enter my grades and such. Finally I am registered for three classes. Now it is time to get my parking permit and student Id. The parking permit turns out to be a bumper sticker and for my student Id the lady put a hole in my name so now I am *aryBeth Robertson*! Oh me oh me oh my! At least I am registered and classes start Aug. 23 and thanks to my wonderful mother my classes are paid for in full! :) I am ready!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Sunday

Chris and I have decided to make Sunday's our official Family Meal Day. On this day his parents and brother come over early and visit while someone prepares a meal. This Sunday is my turn to cook for everyone and I have decided to make spaghetti with meatsauce with garlic bread and italian salads on the side. Yumm. I announced last Sunday that I was making spaghetti and everyday this past week Kayla has asked me when we are having spaghetti, soo I know that she will be excited. My dad is the one that taught me how to cook mostly. I love knowing all his secret ingredients he puts into his meals.haha Well I will add more when the day is done.:)

Super Nintendo

I have been wanting to play Super Nintendo lately! When I was younger my parents bought us one and Melody has had it ever since we all three went our seperate ways! It is my turn...... I did some looking on Ebay and I found the Super Mario All Stars game which has Mario 1-3 and a bonus land. I am trying to talk Chris into getting it for me because Mario 3 is my favorite! I found Harvey's Humongous Adventure which was mine and Melody's favorite game but it was like in Chinese or Korean so I couldn't understand how much they wanted for it! I really want that game so I am going to keep on looking for it. I also remember us having competitions with Donkey Kong and the loser had to go down stairs and make a snack. We would lay on the floor with our heads propped up on our pillows and play all day until told to do something else. Chris's dad just bought a Nintendo 64 but it is just not the same. 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Oh NO!!!!!

A couple of years ago I bought this really expensive Park Avenue Amberly comforter set from Kohls. I spent several months looking for the right comforter and was extremely excited to find this one. It is teal and light cream with cross stitching all throughout the middle. It is the softest ever...explains the price. Well I knew when I bought it that it was dry clean only and that it would be difficult to keep it looking nice with the majority of it being the light cream, but I told myself that since I liked it so much that I would go ahead and get it. Well, yesterday Kayla fell asleep in our bed and woke up and she had peed all on my comforter! I wasn't mad.......... I knew we had just gotten our HE washer and dryer so I went ahead and washed it on delicate. Then when it was finished I laid it over the couch to dry. Well a couple of hours went by and it was still a little wet so I told myself that a couple of minutes in the dryer won't hurt it. Ummmmmmm I was wrong......I pulled it out of the dryer and the first thing I saw was brown all over it. I assumed it was Kayla's pee gone darker but you could smell the burnt smell. Tears poured down my face. I took it to the bedroom and the burnt part was on my side of the bed which made me cry some more....... Whatever was inside of it bunched up in a ball and hardened so now also my side is lumpy near the bottom! I sent my sister Amy a text message and she had a great idea! She told me to get some brown accessories and everything will blend! HAHAH You always make me laugh when I do stupid things. Chris came home from wrestling and I showed him and he just smiled and said Why Why Why did you do that? I told him," at least everything is clean!" 

No KidsTown :(

Every season the Agricenter in Cordova, Tennessee, has a thing called Kids Town! The kids and I love going there. It is all about kids of course. It is like a huge garage sale but everything is in good condition. You can get toys, clothes, movies, shoes, bedroom furniture...pretty much anything. Last time Kayla got a huge Barbie Palace with all the pieces for only $20 and I looked it up online and NEW it would have been close to $100. We always get their clothes from here and they get a pretty good amount. Especially the stage Kayla is going through in which she needs a different pair of shoes for every outfit.Ha Unfortunaly, this weekend was Kids Town again and Chris and I decided not to attend since we have moved to Dyersburg. We might be getting good deals on name brand clothes and stuff but we would have put the extra money in gas to get there. It cost me $97 to fill up my van....seems like a lot, but that will last me a long time because everywhere I go is here in town. Luckily, there is a JcPenny's at the Mall and they have good prices on kids clothes so that is what we are going to do for the fall this year.

Another Crazy Dream

As you have read from my previous post, I have just seen The Dark Knight! Chris had a wresting show last night and it was storming like crazy all night. Sometimes I get things in my head and get a little scared to be by myself and the kids had already fallen asleep. I kept waking up thinking I saw someone in Kayla's room but it was just her backpack hanging on the doorknob. Then I woke up because I heard the drying chiming. Then I woke up because I forgot to thaw out the ribs. Uggggg I finally got into a deep sleep and of course I had a crazy dream! I dreamed that I was at our old house in Collierville. Well it was all hardwood when we lived there but in my dream it was all carpeted. There was a young guy with glasses and his girlfriend living there now. They invited me inside and the girl told me that it was so cool because she could fit her tanning bed in the closet. I went in and she had a tanning bed in the closet but she was sitting along the wall wrapped in Preston's first baby blanket, the plush one with the pastel colors and jungle animals on it. I look above her head and there is a black vacuum cleaner hose hanging from the ceiling over her head and UVA lamps are glowing from inside of it and she said she was tanning her face?!!!!! I remember throughout the dream I mentioned that I worked at a tanning salon for almost three years and that was not how you tan your face, and that it was not safe to store a tanning bed in a closet! Then somehow she went to showing me all of her formal dresses from High School Events and told me that she had gained some weight so if I wanted to pick out some I could. As I walked back outside I have several dresses in my hand. HAha of course! The scene changes again and I am driving one of those big white semi-trucks loaded with house furniture in the back. I am driving down a long curvy road and the weather starts getting bad. I look ahead and see a large dark funnel cloud coming towards me. There is nothing around me , no buildings, trees, other cars, birds......Nothing! I crash and can feel the truck flipping over with full force. My head is pounding and I open my eyes. I can not move my neck and am soooo scared. I move my hand downward and grabbed my phone to call Chris since he was on speed dial. I told him I had been in an accident and that I didn't know where I was or why I was driving a semi truck but that I could not move anything but my hands and I needed him to call an ambulance. He said," Your a grown woman, you can call the police yourself!" It was then that I woke up from this dream and my neck was stiff just like in the dream!! It took me a little while to loosen it up but it scared me!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Grandaddy gave the kids a box full of books! Kayla took off with the books and Preston enjoyed the box! lol  He is starting to realize that he can't squeeze into as many things as he use to. :) Oh yeah and he has his Man Doll--Chris calls it!haha He calls it his boy Barbie.

Awesome Movie

I have been waiting for several months for the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight to come out and I finally got to see it last night. Chris and I went with some of our friends, Chris & Tracy, and Geanna & Anthony. I gotta admit that the movie was CrAzy! I loved it! Chris was very uncomfortable during the show because the first seat he picked didn't have an armrest so he made us move. Then he fiddled the whole movie because he said that his chair was to small.Ha but besides that we had a great time. Oh yeah and as we we walking out of the theater there was a guy standing along the wall with his face painted like the Jokers!!!! Yeah It was scary looking........

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

August is Coming!

August is the month that Chris and I got married. On the 30th of this month we will have been married for 5 years! I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of when we first started dating! Enjoy! :)

              Christmas Somewhere haha
                        Our First Snow
              Awe! Midnight! Our Dog....I miss him soooooo much!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unexpected Storm

Today we were suppose to go to Grandaddy's house for a fun day of swimming and unlimited popsicles. Well all that was interrupted by an unexpected storm! Kayla woke up and said that the clouds were grey and she just knew it was about to rain and the lights were going to go out.I checked the weather and there is a thunderstorm warning until 6pm. I went in the kitchen to start on our bologna, egg, and cheese sandwiches. I get the kids made and then right when I start cooking my eggs the power goes out! Kayla was more upset because the t.v. had cut off in the middle of her Barney Song and she was DaNcInG!!!!! We were all hanging out in the kitchen with our breakfast and the thunder was soooo loud. Kayla grabbed her plate and said she was going to sit in the bathroom and wanted me to go light some candles and get her a blanket to sit on. During our time in the bathroom Preston decides he needs to go potty. He sits on the potty but is not far enough back and gets the blanket soaking wet! uhhhhhh Well the lights are back on for now. I  love when it storms but I don't care so much for it when the power goes out because the kids get so scared and I can't get anything done. The cuddling is nice though! 

Monday, July 21, 2008

Invisible Kool-Aid Warning

Yesterday, for our family meal we picked Invisible Kool-Aid to drink. We chose this because the last time Chris's mom had given the kids red kool-aid and of course it spilled on the carpet and right in the center of the living room. Ha I played a trick on Chris's dad because he had asked for a cold cup of water and we gave him the invisible Kool-Aid. He waited awhile before saying anything and then we started laughing so he caught on. This invisible Kool-Aid can be helpful, and good for jokes but it also can be dangerous and this is why. Today, the kids and I made chocolate covered strawberries! Yummy! Well Chris and I bought a fridge lock last night which doesn't work well at all. Kayla had told me she wanted a snack. So I picked her up and went into the kitchen. Well the refridgerator door was open and I just knew that Preston was sneaking in there eating some strawberries! As I walked in I slipped and hit my head on the kitchen table falling and landing pretty hard on my right thigh. I hear Kayla screaming and she has flown across the kitchen floor. My head was pounding and I felt dizzy. Both of us have tears running down our faces and then as I look up I can't help but laugh a little. Preston is squatting beside me with chocolate all around his mouth and he says,"You OK Mommy?", in a caring voice. As I pull myself up I grab Kayla and give her a hug. She said it just scared her mostly but her belly hurt a little. I looked over where I had slipped and there was INVISIBLE KOOL-AID all over the floor!!!! I called Chris and he came straight home from work. I have a huge knot on the back of my head and my right upper leg is bruised but Kayla is ok. Preston went and got a towel and cleaned up the mess and said he was sorry to the both of us and gave us a kiss and hug! So just a tip to all the mothers , make sure the invisible kool-aid is in a cup with a sealed lid, always! :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cleaning Up

Kayla cleaned her room all by herself and was very excited to vacuum.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stay at Home Day!

Today we don't have anything planned. We are all just hanging around the house in our pajamas! Kayla is wearing her Little Mermaid nightgown with some hunter green sweat pants, Preston is wearing his raindeer Christmas Sleeper, I am wearing my Pink Robe, and Chris is wearing his white t-shirt and red pants. Haha and I am not posting a picture but I bet you laughed just picturing us! I got up early and made everyone ham, egg and cheese omletes and buscuits with jelly. Preston has been upsessed with some new movies...Transformers, and Fast and the Furious. Of course these movies are beyond his level so we let him watch them but turn the volume on low. He is usually playing with his toys at the same time anyways. Most of the morning Kayla has been playing all around the house with her Barbies and it is driving me nuts finding little clothes and shoes everywhere! I have been studying most of the morning on synonyms trying to prepare for my NLN test. Ha Melody just sent me a text message saying that she was watching Monkey Trouble! I used to get so mad because she would hog the t.v. and watch that movie over and over and over again. THE END

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Visit

Today my parents came to visit Dyersburg! I took them to the library, to The First Methodist Church where the kids will be attending Preschool. I also, took them to Dyersburg State College and Okeena Park, the mall, Walmart of course, and also to Chris's Parents house. They loved our house and were surprised about how large the rooms were and the yard! Oh yeah and I took them to the fruit tree! Yummy! :) It was fun and I hope they come to visit us more often. Next weekend is Kids Town at the Agracenter in Cordova so we will be visiting them for sure! Besides that we have been playing with my Barbies from when I was a child and changing their clothes a gazillion times. So far they have been to the movies.....and Yes Kayla lined them all up with their dates in front of the t.v., they have gone swimming, to the park, and to sleep! We are waiting on Chris's parents to come over for dinner tonight! On Sunday they are cooking us a homemade meal, snapping green beans, peeling potatoes, making buscuits from scratch, peeling corn, and cooking some pork chops! I can't wait. :) 

The New Way

This is Preston's new way to watch t.v.! HAhA

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Update on School Change

I have received my letter from Dyersburg State College and I have been accepted to attend in the Fall. It said that I needed to take the COMPASS test which I took in 2001 before enrolled at University of Memphis. So I am waiting on my next letter because according to that letter they are assuming I am a new student fresh out of High School. I received an email stating that they are waiting on my transcripts from Memphis and Southwest and then I can meet with my advisor to schedule for the Fall. I am still registered at Southwest in the fall just in case I can't get everything done in time. Plus I registered for those classes in April and they are already closed. I would hate to drop them and then at Dyersburg the classes are closed as well and then what am I suppose to do....sit out a semester? I don't think so! I have been thinking that once I get everything straight and see what my schedule will be like I may volunteer at the hospital. Either that or get a part time job in a doctors office setting appointments or something of that such. I am signed up in August to take the NLN test so hopefully everything will flow smoothly so I can get started with my career! 

So much to do today

Another day and I have so much I need and want to do but I am choosing to write this blog! All Preston has wanted to do is play with his trucks...he is really enjoyng Kayla not being here sad to say. I have already cleaned the kitchen and living room and I am about to organize our closets again! Don't you hate it when you spend so much time on something and then turn around and everything is just thrown everywhere as if you hadn't tried to make it easier to put things in there place! This makes me mad! hmmmmm also today Preston and I are going to visit some more Preschools since it is so much easier to run errands with one child. I am proud to say that I have two more bags to donate to the goodwill. We are also going to the library to get some more books. At this library you can only check out 5 books at a time whereas at Collierville you could check out 15!  I was going to take Preston swimming today but his back is starting to peel and so we may stop by Grandparents house later in the evening for a swim in his t-shirt. I am wanting to read my book, finish cross stitching my project, and study for my NLN test but how many times have I had Preston by himself? Hardly any so today is going to be a day for the both of us! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Day in Collierville

Today we woke up extra early to leave for Collierville! We went to the the 10am showing of Shrek at the Malco. The kids were thrilled. Kayla sat in her little booster seat and Preston sat in my lap. They looked so cute, each with their own tub of popcorn and their mini Dr. Peppers and bottlecaps! I never really cared much for the first two Shrek movies and with the thrid one also being PG I was a little unsure! I was actaully very impressed with Preston's behavior. He hasn't been to the theater since Alvin and the Chipmunks was playing. At the movie we ran into C.J. a boy from Kayla's preschool class! After the movie we went to the Johnson Water Park. We had invited Brandy and Dalton to come play but we were blessed with good news that she was pregnant again and didn't want to be out in the heat. We also had invited Tyler, Ethan, and Kaylie but their mom was busy today. The kids played with each other but not for as long as usual. So we left here and went to Little Ceaser's to pick up a Pepperoni Pizza and headed over to Granna and Papaw's house. The kids ran up and rang the doorbell. We ate our pizza with ranch as Papaw pulled out the Encyclopedia! Haha Kayla was determined that Max and Ruby was on t.v. so as I am searching channels, Papaw hides in the closet and scares Preston half to death. Preston heard a noise and went to open the closet and Papaw came running out and Preston ran half way across the living room! It was fun, I went through the attic and found my old red Going To Grandmas suitcase so that for future visits the kids could use it. The best part was that it was filled with all of my old Barbies and tons of clothes! Preston was amused by my Beast Doll lol! After awhile of all of us making fun of Yogi Bear, Preston and I left to come back home! Kayla gave us a big hug and was ready for her first few days away from home with Granna and Papaw. As we drove down the street within seconds Preston was fast asleep! We made it home in time to cook dinner for Daddy. After dinner Chris and I went to Hastings to sign up to rent some movies. We picked out Dan in Real Life and National Treasure..Book of Secrets. There were sooo many movies that I wanted to rent but I'll have to wait till next time! It is pretty cool because the movie rentals are $3.99 and you have a week to return them but if you bring them back the next day then you get a $2.00 credit. When we got back home Chris went out and picked some plums and pears off the fruit tree out back. Then we rough housed with Preston until he was laughing so hard no sound was coming out! Haha Grandaddy bought him this drumset/keyboard thingy and he just rocks with it pounding as hard as he can to make the sounds! It has been an exhausting day for my little boy and now he is fast asleep. Now it is time for Chris and I to start watching our movies! I'll let ya know how I liked them. Papaw and Granna will be bringing Kayla home Friday afternoon and we are excited to show them around Dyersburg! I think mother is especially excited about the fruit tree! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pool Games

I was planning on visiting Collierville today but Chris forgot to put the GPS back in the van and I was not taking any chances on getting lost. Plus to make it worse I hadn't charged my cell phone because again the charger was in Chris's car soo I was for sure not taking that trip with no phone or clue as to where I was going. So we plan to head that way tomorrow and visit with friends and then Kayla is spending the night with Granna and Papaw until Thursday or Friday. So to make the day fun,  I took the kids to the Okeena kiddy pool for the 1st time. Kayla and Preston were excited to swim with kids their own age! One of the kids reminded me of myself when I was younger. He held his nose and slowly went under water saying, "I'm melllltttiiinnggggg!" Ha pretending to be the witch from The Wizard of Oz! From this point on I pictured little MB creating random things to keep myself occupied in the pool. I remember I played mermaids a lot. Well, back to Kayla and Preston.  We all know Preston and how active and loud he can be. He got a little to excited and jumped into the pool screaming his head off afterwards  because the water was not deep enough and he hurt his feet. I had him swimming in his white t-shirt because of my stupidity the other day. Kayla was the only girl in the pool and she pretended that she was a shark and all the boys swam away from her. Then these twin boys Landon and Carter had the tube floats and everyone held on to each others legs and they swam around the pool. It was a nice trip. I was offered a job at a Magazine Company here in Dyersburg called Quebecor, but I am not sure what my schedule will be like at Dyersburg State just yet. 

Monday, July 14, 2008

Remembered Dreams

I am a very hard sleeper and I very rarely remember my dreams but when I do remember they are always CrAzY! Right before I found out I was pregnant with Kayla, I dreamed that Melody gave birth to a black poodle.....and was excited about it! I remember this one dream I woke up crying...... Kayla had been playing and as she walked by me I could feel my heart stop. Along the top of her forehead were perfect holes drilled along the forehead curve about an inch deep. And inside the holes were cooked penne pasta with the ridges on the outside. I paniced and tried to put my finger in the noodles to pull them out but since they were cooked it was hard to. Kayla sat there not saying a word and smiled. I don't know what scared me the most the holes in her head or her being perfectly ok with it! That is the dream...Creepy and still I have trouble eating Penne Pasta! I will keep this blog updated so check back every now and then.

Stupid Movies

Chris and I have been watching a lot of movies together and all I can say is that many of them were extremely stupid and a waste of my time. Ha What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas started out slow but it ended up to be a really funny movie! We went to the Carmike 9 and saw Hancock a couple of weeks ago and I just found it strange and pointless. Come on Will Smith you can do so much better!!! Vantage Point I thought was an awesome movie. I really enjoyed it. Now Semi Pro was just insane and the stupidest movie ever! The Villiage, supposedly listed as a horror film was slow and lame. Over My Dead Body I had heard from several people that it was really funny. Well, let's just say that Chris fell asleep not even 5 minutes through it and I made myself watch it because I really wanted to laugh but the only part I laughed at was near the end. 10,000 B.C. I could not get into because the mammoths looked fake and stuff like that bugs me, but I did hear it was a great movie. I am waiting to go see new Batman Movie...Can't wait! Please let me know if you have seen any movies worth watching out there!!! LOL


After a long and fun day outside yesterday, I am paying for my mistake today! I forgot to put sunscreen on the babies before they went swimming! Preston isn't acting hurt at all but just looking at him makes my teeth grind!I have been keeping lots of lotion on him today and hopefully he will not peel. Kayla actually got a tan from being out in the sun. But to keep it safe we are staying indoors today. We have been reading a lot of books for the reading program and still going through their many toys to donate to the goodwill.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


This weekend I traveled to Southaven for my cousin Andrew and Brittany's baby shower. I had so much fun with all my Aunts and Mom and other cousins. We had to smell all these diapers with melted candy bars in them and I turned around and my Aunt Dianne was licking one of them. hahaha Then later when the answers were reveiled, one of them was Almond Joy but most of them had put Mounds. LOL I shouted out that Dianne had eaten the Almond so that we would all lose. Everyone laughed but Dianne didn't think it was funny and said she had eaten a peanut not an Almond. LOL We also had to play the clothspin game and every time someone crossed their legs or said girl you got to snatch their clothspins and at the end you one something. Well from the previous games a Toy's R Us giftcard was given so Gina wanted this card since she had just had her son. Dianne being the competitive one was determined to win. She was sitting on the couch with her eyes on everyone because no one was going to catch her crossing her legs and she wasn't speaking to anyone. By the end of the shower Dianne jumped up and said," What do I win?" hahaha and the prize was a bag of candy bars!!!!!! IT was hilarious!
Every other person at the shower was pregnant and asking when Chris and I were going to have another one. We will see. It will happen if it happens and hopefully not soon. I am happy with my Nursing Career right now and my two perfect angels!

Swim Time

This summer the kids have had a chance to explore several different pools! The Okeena Pool has the very large 5ft deep with the diving board, Brandy and Christian have and inground pool with the swirly slide, Chris's parents have the big blue blown up pool, and we have just the basic kiddy pool in the backyard. The kids really enjoy putting on their colored floaties and jumping into the deep water but we can't make trips every day. With the kiddy pool we put it under their swingset so they can go down the slide into the pool and they have sooo much fun. Kayla just has fun holding the water hose and getting Preston wet. I'll post pictures soon. I have been typing these blogs outside on the laptop and all my pictures are on my computer inside.

Today has been super nice outside. Chris took his new riding lawn mower for a spin and the yard looks great. We are cooking out for lunch when he get back from his training. It is so nice that his wrestling is just down the street! No more long trips for him and more time for me and the kids.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mommy Time

Kayla was anxious for some strawberry milk so I made a special trip to Walmart just for her. When I came back I also surprised her with some brownies and new Princess Pajamas! She was so excited. She cracked the eggs, she poured the water and oil and even mixed them as much as she could. I was shocked she didn't want to lick the bowl after pouring it into the pan. She said she was saving room in her belly for the brownies and strawberry milk. And yes I did get Preston some Pajamas as well. He had fallen asleep on the floor beside our bed before I left haha soooooo I changed him into his Cars PJ's while he was sleeping and when he woke up the next morning he was extremely excited about the new pajamas DADDY had bought him! Kayla kept saying that I bought them but he didn't believe her. Lol

Many Choices

Back in Collierville Chris and I were members at the YMCA! I loved the atmosphere having the pool, the hottub, the steamroom, the daycare, and all the workout classes. I am sad to say that here in Dyersburg they have a YMCA but no pool and they close a lot earlier and are closed on Sundays. Chris is wanting to join the 24 hour fitness because his friends are members there and you can go whenever but they do not have a daycare. I am more interested in a gym that has activities such as tumbling, ballet, and dance for the kids and the kickboxing, jazzercize classes for me.

As far as tanning goes, there is not many choices and the beds are pretty standard. At Tan-n-Go we had up to 5 levels plus the Mystic. Here the salons are pretty much blah and the employees could care less about their clients. Can definitely tell that they were not professionally trained and know nothing about the products they sell and don't care if you tan with lotion or not. I need to take over and show them how it is done! haha Oh yeah and the tanning is inside of Video World which is a rental place. Weird!!!!

Preschools for the kids has still been on my mind. The kids and I have visited many but I wasn't impressed. I want my kids to be taught, not to run around and play all day. Some of the Preschools didn't even have a curriculum. The teacher said they teach individually which shocked me. I think that the teacher should be on a schedule and teach all the kids at the same time the same material. Like I said earlier the kids are out for the summer and by August they will be well placed.

Summer Days

Summer has gone by soooo quickly! I have really enjoyed this summer and our move to Dyersburg. Since the move our family has been able to focus on each other instead of worrying about school, my job, his job schedule conflicts! After almost 3 years of working at Tan-N-Go it is exciting to stay at home again. The kids are out of school until August and we have been able to explore the town together finding new places to have fun. The Okeena Park is amazing! It has a community pool plus a kiddy pool, volleyball court, basketball court, walking trail, plenty of picnic tables with shade, a lake, a toddler playground as well as a large play area with swings and slides and such. I know the kids are to young to play volleyball right now but we love it because to them it is a huge sandbox! The kids have gotten their own Library Cards and are enrolled in the Summer Reading Program. For every 100 books I read them they get their names printed on the inside of a book sleeve that stays in the library! We have also found a Merry Castle which has some great snow cones which I love! As far as restaurants go it is either Applebee's or Cruizers. I am also loving that there is a Walmart just down the street and right beside it is the Mall. Not really many stores but still enough for me to enjoy! I am sad to say that there is not a Target or Kohls up here and those were my most visited stores in Collierville. Blockbuster is unheard of as well. Hastings is the place to rent movies which I think is neat because my sister Melody works at Hastings in Murfreesboro, TN while in college.
Everyone here spends a lot of time outdoors, either swimming, working in the yard with their riding lawn mowers (we have one now too), riding four wheelers or bikes. The movie theater is very nice too. It is called the Carmike 9. The well known street Poplar Ave which takes you pretty much anywhere in Memphis, is similar to our Street Bypass. The only thing I miss about Collierville is my parents always bringing us food and volunteering to take a kid for a day. Haha and there company of course.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kayla's Room

For Kayla's room we kept her comforter because she loves it sooooo much. Haha I am wanting to get her a solid comforter , I think it will look better. We have talked about the pink Princess one to match her stickers so we will see. We added some purple curtains and some Princess Stickers throughout the room and her side lamp. She was extremely excited about her lamp because now she can read until she falls asleep. Before, we were having to leave the hallway light on for her and this was unfair to Preston because he likes it dark.

Preston's Room

I decided it was time to change up the kids rooms! Preston has stopped falling off the bed in the middle of the night so we finally put his bed on rails! We kept the same colors which he had when his room was decorated in Thomas the Train ! The Sports theme is great for him because he is very active and always playing with balls. I can not wait until he is old enough to play on teams. Every since we redid his room he has slept in his room which has been great. Usually he would fall asleep in our bed and then we would have to move him. He loves to play with all his cars on his rug. He loves his new room!

Big Change

From the City to the Country! Moving from Collierville, TN to Dyersburg, TN was a drastic change for me. I am used to the many restaurants, the many places to shop, the houses close together, and the crowded streets. Here in Dyersburg it is quite different. Houses are far apart, no one hardly eats out...home cooking is a very popular thing, and fresh fruits everyday. It is really nice when your neighbor brings you a bag of fresh picked plums off his tree and gives you a big smile. In Collierville that would be weird.Haha Many people keep to themselves in C-ville and in Dyersburg everyone talks to you and it is a very friendly town.

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!