Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My First Day of Class

Today was super exciting! I have been waiting several weeks for school to begin for the Fall. I arrived at school an hour early because I had no clue as to which building my classes were in. I looked around and saw this one guy and I asked him where the Glover Building was. Then out of nowhere this lady pops in front of me all cheerful and says,"This is it! " Haha She then told us about the other buildings and pointed out the bookstore way across campus. I still had 40 minutes before class so Dustin and I walked to the bookstore and guess what!.....it was closed! He had just transferred from UT Martin so it was his first day as well. When going back to the Glover building somehow the construction workers managed to put up yellow caution tape around the sidewalks that we had taken to the bookstore, so we had to walk around in the muddy grass. 
My Microbiology Professors name is James! He is a much older man, bald with the few white strands of hair going sideways across the top. He seems really nice and organized. It took him 20 minutes just to take attendance on the computer. He didn't really do an intro, just jumped right into fungi. He said that we will be watching a lot of videos and he is good with his descriptions and drawings. A lot of the students were disappointed because the Professor origionally assigned to the class just moved to Ohio and they had had him for previous classes. 
My Developmental Psychology Professor seems awesome! His name is Erskine Ausbrooks. He reminds me of Hogwart from the Labryinth. Haha. He is probably in his late 40's but has a great personality! I love it when teachers feel comfortable enough to make jokes and bring out a little of their personal side. For his class he announced that it will be like an online course so if we don't want to come to class we don't have to because all assignments are done at our pace and turned in online. I like this because I can get ahead. But I will be attending class because I like to be able to ask questions and  communicate with others in the class. He talked to us about not using our laptops in the bathtub, and how he always keeps the door locked so that no one will get us! I am really excited about this class! 
After class was over I headed back to the bookstore because I needed to get my Lab Manual, Observation Booklet, and Study Guide/Ebook. It was soo funny because every time I went to a new isle this lady would come and ask me if I needed any help. I think she asked me at least 4 times. Well I know someone that loves her job! lol
It was super nice outside today! It is enjoyable when walking from one building to the next and nothing on my mind. Nice little break! When I got back to the van, I wished I had another class. I looked behind me and a big white van drove by. As soon as the van went by, I backed out and so did the guy behind me! We bumped tails and  it scratched both of our vehicles. We both felt really stupid but agreed that it was about the same amount of damage on both vehicles so we let it go. Huhhhhhhh 


melody said...

i always wanted to take all of those neat psychology classes...
i'm glad your classes started off well, and i'm sure you'll enjoy all of them!

Anonymous said...

Your psychology professor has a cool name! I'm glad it's all starting out well and you get to do stuff online too and get ahead. I definitely miss taking classes and especially writing in notebooks- haha- thinking I'm going to write so perfectly in each of them.

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!