Monday, August 11, 2008

*Almost Time*

Today I mailed out all of Preston's Birthday invitations for his 3rd Birthday! Chris and I took him to the Party Store and grabbed every boy party themed invitaions we could find. Then we laid them on the floor and let him pick which one he wanted. It was a definite choice CARS! He is super excited and is having his party here at the house and we are grilling out and the kids can play/swim!
Preston age newborn haha. He slept all the time! I still can not believe his hair changed to blond so quickly. 
For Preston's 1st Birthday he had an ELMO PaRtY at the Johnson Water Park! Awe he wasn't even walking yet!
For Preston's 2nd Birthday he celebrated with Thomas the Train! His whole room was decorated in Thomas and he just loved trains. After opening gifts at Papaw and Grandmas we all went to Red Robin to celebrate some more! 

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!