Saturday, August 2, 2008

More Movies

Fools Gold- Haha Chris and I laughed and laughed during this movie. I love Kate and Matthew together in movies! Very Very Cute.

The Bucket List was also great and I still can not get over how Jack Nickleson's voice was soooooo annoying when they were skydiving! 

The Spiderwick Chronicles was a good movie but I should have watched it before allowing Kayla to watch it. She asks a lot of questions, especially when it is something as strange as this movie was. Now she wants to eat crackers and honey and throw tomato sauce! haha!  I basically rented it because of the boy that played in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Space Chimps-ok so it started off really boringggggggg, then I missed most of the middle due to Preston's behavior. I came back in right when the monkeys were dancing with the gum drops and let me tell you that I was laughing soooooo hard! My favorite character was the little alien whose head lit up when she got scared haha Well, if you want to laugh then go see this movie! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha-I like your movie reviews, especially the part about Jack Nicholson. I don't even remember his voice for that part but it made me laugh out loud that you did. I do have a review too. Don't see Stepbrothers!!!! It seemed funny in the previews but seriously those were the only clean parts of the movie. Every single joke was disgusting(really!!) and every other word was the F word. It was torture. I understand some movies are going to have some gross and stupid stuff but this was just beyond necessary and way too far. It would have been so much funnier without all of that.

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!