Monday, August 4, 2008

Remodeling House

The last couple of days we have been helping Grandma and Grandaddy remodel their house. So far we have knocked down a wall to make the living room larger and more open and have ripped up all the carpet and put in new flooring. Chris and his dad are going to rebuild a wall to make a small hallway separating the den from the kitchen. At first his mom was not happy at all because we went through so much stuff and just threw it away! She likes to collect a lot of random things that to much of just looks like junk. Now that the living room is painted a light white with pink tint she is happy! I made a bunch of sandwiches for the guys. The sawing was loud and dust was flying everywhere so the kids mostly played outside. Poor Chris got a woodchip in his eye and now we both look like we have pink eye!  For the next couple of Sundays we will be skipping Family Meal Day and putting a lot of time into getting their house back into shape before the weather cools down to much. I seriously feel like we are on HGTV ,Property Ladder or Flip This House! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should put up pictures. I like to see houses getting remodeled.

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!