Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bits and Pieces

I woke up this morning remembering bits and pieces of a dream. I had one of those traditional round fish bowls like on The Cat in the Hat. Inside my bowl there were light blue rocks on the bottom and a thick mini log. There were two small cactus plants sitting on both ends and in the middle were two small dolphins swimming in circles like on those magnetic things you can buy at Natural Wonders.  I was just sitting beside the bowl watching and all of a sudden the cactus plants start attacking the dolphins! I run into the kitchen to get a utensil to get the dolphins out but these random fish keep getting in the way so I can't save them in time. I start crying hysterically and the mean fish vanish and I looked in the bowl to see the dolphins were dead in the bowl.  I get them out and then I grabbed the log with the cactuses attached and throw it away and replace it with a colored stick with many colored leaves on it. Then I ran to the bathroom and threw up the dream.

I also dreamed that I was at the movies and leaving through the exit which was downstairs and turned around and a girl from my High School was at the top of the stairs and threw her dirty laundry at me. Then she came down the stairs and apologized that she didn't see me, that she was just upset because she had already washed all of her clothes but she used the wrong detergent. 

Then I have another small dream and I am filling all of my detergent bottles with Dreft...the baby detergent! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Christmas List

Hey! I want to get a head start on my Christmas Shopping this year. If you would please leave me some comments on some of the things that you and other members of your family may like for Christmas that would be very helpful! 

My First Day of Class

Today was super exciting! I have been waiting several weeks for school to begin for the Fall. I arrived at school an hour early because I had no clue as to which building my classes were in. I looked around and saw this one guy and I asked him where the Glover Building was. Then out of nowhere this lady pops in front of me all cheerful and says,"This is it! " Haha She then told us about the other buildings and pointed out the bookstore way across campus. I still had 40 minutes before class so Dustin and I walked to the bookstore and guess what! was closed! He had just transferred from UT Martin so it was his first day as well. When going back to the Glover building somehow the construction workers managed to put up yellow caution tape around the sidewalks that we had taken to the bookstore, so we had to walk around in the muddy grass. 
My Microbiology Professors name is James! He is a much older man, bald with the few white strands of hair going sideways across the top. He seems really nice and organized. It took him 20 minutes just to take attendance on the computer. He didn't really do an intro, just jumped right into fungi. He said that we will be watching a lot of videos and he is good with his descriptions and drawings. A lot of the students were disappointed because the Professor origionally assigned to the class just moved to Ohio and they had had him for previous classes. 
My Developmental Psychology Professor seems awesome! His name is Erskine Ausbrooks. He reminds me of Hogwart from the Labryinth. Haha. He is probably in his late 40's but has a great personality! I love it when teachers feel comfortable enough to make jokes and bring out a little of their personal side. For his class he announced that it will be like an online course so if we don't want to come to class we don't have to because all assignments are done at our pace and turned in online. I like this because I can get ahead. But I will be attending class because I like to be able to ask questions and  communicate with others in the class. He talked to us about not using our laptops in the bathtub, and how he always keeps the door locked so that no one will get us! I am really excited about this class! 
After class was over I headed back to the bookstore because I needed to get my Lab Manual, Observation Booklet, and Study Guide/Ebook. It was soo funny because every time I went to a new isle this lady would come and ask me if I needed any help. I think she asked me at least 4 times. Well I know someone that loves her job! lol
It was super nice outside today! It is enjoyable when walking from one building to the next and nothing on my mind. Nice little break! When I got back to the van, I wished I had another class. I looked behind me and a big white van drove by. As soon as the van went by, I backed out and so did the guy behind me! We bumped tails and  it scratched both of our vehicles. We both felt really stupid but agreed that it was about the same amount of damage on both vehicles so we let it go. Huhhhhhhh 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Weekend With Melody

This weekend Melody came to Dyersburg to visit for Preston's Party!  We went shopping and went out for dinner at Applebee's. We went tanning and to look at the puppies at the pet store. We also went to Hastings and rented Prom NIght. When we got home we ended up watching Bob the Builder for about an hour before the kids went to bed. In the movie, I noticed that two of the actresses are from Nip/Tuck! When we got to the end of the movie we replayed a couple of the scenes and had a laugh...THINK SO! Ya know it really isn't even that funny, but Melody and I always laugh at the same things! I had FUN! I wish you lived closer!!!!

Preston's 3rd Birthday Party

I'd say he had a  GREAT 3rd BIRTHDAY!

Present Time! From Grandaddy, Grandma, and Uncle Larry- Cars Tent, Papaw and Grandma- 3 sleepers, and a bunch of clothes, magnetic puzzles, and several books, Aunt Melody- Black and grey shirt and matching pants, Bryan, Tina,& Dell- & $5, Chris and Tracy- Surf's Up and The Ant Bully DVD's, Anthony, Jeanna, and Xavier- Car Stunts Speed Barrel Roll, Derrick and Caleb- Cars Mini Adventures, April, Jacob, and J.J.- Cars hat, cup, bowl, and plate, Daxe, Amy, Hannah, &Chloe- clothes, Sean and Amy -our neighbors- football & Lightning McQueen Car,and from Mommy, Daddy, and Kayla- Disney Storybook Collection, Cars Magnetic Collector's Edition, Bob the Builder DVD, and the Moon Bounce!!
The Robertson Family in the Moon Bounce.
Me and THE BIRTHDAY BOY.....well not until the 26th!
Cake!! Preston picked out the Cars Cake himself last week and was really excited when we brought it out! 
Pinata Time..the kids enjoyed gathering the candy and mini toys with their cars bags!
Preston stayed in the jump for the majority of the party! He loved it and was very happy all day!
The proud parents!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Knocked Up- This movie was hilarious! There were  a lot of stupid inside jokes that you would only catch if paying close attention. lol The guy from Clueless is weird in all of his movies so expect that. ha

Never Back Down- The music is great throughout the whole movie, plus it has two hot guys in it! What else do I need to say! Haha Yeah it was a really good movie, but I it was hard watching all the fight scenes uhhhhh. Funny also! I think his mom was also the mom in 24! 

Thursday, August 21, 2008


The kids earned free ice cream from Dairy Queen for reading 100 books for the Summer Reading Program at the Library! 

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Number of Events

Starting on Wednesday, Chris's dad was admitted to Dyersburg Regional Hospital because he was having sharp pains in his chest and was also afraid of his lung collapsing for the 3rd time in 6 years. On Thursday our house was being sprayed for spiders so we had to be out all day. I took the kids to Okeena Park for about two hours and then we went back up to the hospital. This time Chris's dad had a room mate which scared the kids really bad because he was hooked up to a lot of machines. The nurse calmed them down by bringing them popsicles and pulling the curtain around. After awhile there, the doctor informed us that they were moving him to Jackson. I called Chris at work and when he arrived we all rode to Jackson together. We made a stop at McDonalds so the kids to rowdy up a bit and get a Kids Meal. We spent all afternoon in the room in which Chris makes the kids indian balloons out of the doctor gloves haha. We got home close to 9 that night and we were all just exhausted. On Friday I packed to get ready for my trip to Collierville! Right when we were getting ready to leave to go meet Chris for dinner, I went to get my bags and Preston had locked the bedroom door! I had to search around for a bobby pin to unlock it. We met Chris at Walmart so I could get a new hair dryer since mine blew out the other day and then we headed to the place with the HAT...Kayla calls it... haha Arbys. From here Chris took Preston for the night and Kayla and I left for my parents house. Chris and Preston went to get their haircuts together and they went to Hastings to pick out some movies but Preston picked out some cool hot wheels instead. 
I am still dependent on my GPS and if I get one turn off I get all worried. Well I was in Covington passing by the High School and they were having a football game and the road was blocked off with these huge orange and white cones. Well, I saw a police car go through them and my GPS said to go straight so I followed. Well he gets out of his car and asks me for my parking pass and then explained to me the cones were up for cars to stay out! Haha I told him I was from out of town and that my GPS told me to go straight so I just followed it and he moved his car and the other cones so I could get out! 
By the time we get to my parents house it is late and I am ready for bed. I passed Kayla off to my mom and headed to the guest bedroom. As I lay in bed I had trouble sleeping because my dad was on the phone with a friend and laughing continuously. I remembered all the times in High School I fell asleep to his band music. ha Saturday morning I got up around 6 and was sooo excited to get to take a shower in the remodeled bathroom! It looks nothing like it did before when I lived there. After I got ready I went to McDonald's for breakfast and my OJ. I met up with Jennifer and we headed to take our 4 hour Nursing Exam. The NLN book in which I was studying from was a lot harder than the actual test so I was happy about that because I was a little ahead. The Reading Section was long but the questions were pretty easy. When I read a lot and fast since it was timed my eyes get all dried out and watery. The Science part had random questions about snakes, the moon...! The math was all a review from Middle  and High School. It all looked familiar but it was a matter if remembering, plus we couldn't use a calculator so with there being 54 questions and only 60 minutes to complete, I spent a lot of time on scratch work. After the test Jennifer, Stacy, and I went to Beale and ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe! It was fun and we had our girl chats. 
Later that afternoon I picked Kayla up and heard all about the movie Space Chimps Grandma took her to see again! We went to Cordova to visit my friend Brandy who is expecting again in March and her son Dalton who is 4 like Kayla. The kids haven't seen each other in a couple of months so they had fun.  Kayla wasn't sure about his new dog Buffet though. He was a little bit rougher than she is used t
On Sunday we had a family brunch at Perkins! That night we went over to Chris and Tracy's house to watch the Summer Slam Pay Per View. We cooked out hotdogs and hamburgers. They had four wheelers in which Preston wanted to ride. When he got back from the ride he was in tears. I don't think he likes the loud noises because he was going slow. The kids had a blast playing with the other wrestlers kids and also loved playing with the dogs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm Ready!

Well I am ready for my life to take a spin! August is going to change my life for awhile! Kayla and Preston are about to start Preschool, I am about to start at Dyersburg State going three days a week, and I am thinking about getting a  part time job at the Dyersburg Hospital! So I am not going to have nearly as much free time as I have had this summer. I am ready for class. My Psychology book arrived today from Mylasia! I love the fall and all the exciting holidays that are lining up! 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Movie Review

Mamas Boy-Hahaha Let's just say that it was funny but not really funny enough to watch again by choice. I remember the 1st time I saw Napoleon Dynamite, I had caught it in the middle when they were dancing at the Prom and I just laughed and laughed and then when I saw the whole movie, I laughed even more because it was the stupidest movie ever!!! Chris thinks it is my favorite movie since I watched it so much soo... he decided to rent Mama's Boy thinking it would be just as funny. 

Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd- Ok before we watched this movie Chris and I made a comment. Do you think that your movie(GS) will make us laugh more than my(MB) movie made us laugh. We both hoped YES! But I hate to let yall down.....but NOOOO! Ok another stupid movie that if were playing I would get up and leave the room because it is just not good in my opinion. Chris and I laughed about how NOT funny it was! It is a good thing we got this one for free from Hastings! 

Chris and I laughed and laughed about how we manage to almost always pick out movies that just are plain dumb but then later we always quote sayings from the movies that we thought were so dumb. So does that mean that the movies were actually funny and we enjoyed them more than we thought or are we just to bored.

*Almost Time*

Today I mailed out all of Preston's Birthday invitations for his 3rd Birthday! Chris and I took him to the Party Store and grabbed every boy party themed invitaions we could find. Then we laid them on the floor and let him pick which one he wanted. It was a definite choice CARS! He is super excited and is having his party here at the house and we are grilling out and the kids can play/swim!
Preston age newborn haha. He slept all the time! I still can not believe his hair changed to blond so quickly. 
For Preston's 1st Birthday he had an ELMO PaRtY at the Johnson Water Park! Awe he wasn't even walking yet!
For Preston's 2nd Birthday he celebrated with Thomas the Train! His whole room was decorated in Thomas and he just loved trains. After opening gifts at Papaw and Grandmas we all went to Red Robin to celebrate some more! 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Mother

Today is my Mother's Birthday!!  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother! Ever since I can remember she has always put others ahead of herself. My Mother has always been there everytime I have struggled with my life. She has taken care of me and even taken care of my kids many times when I was in a bind. I am grateful that she is paying for all of my college expenses in full so that I don't have to take out any student loans. She has taught me that things are more appreciated when earned. Thank you for being that person that I can always count on no matter what!  Happy Happy Birthday Mother! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH! 

Happy Birthday To My Mom

All my life you've been there
Any time and any where
When I was young
And even now that I am older.

I have always known
You've done the best you could
Circumstances change, lives change
But family ties are strong.

I want you to know how much
I respect what you have done
For me, for others
And even for yourself.

When problems knock you down
You just slowly, steadily,
adjust your shoulders
And then move on.

Many others would give up,
On love and on life, but you haven't.
You've continued,
Stronger, calmer, and with determination.

That's what you are,
strong, loving, caring, and dependable.
And yet still more
You are my mom.

And I love you.

Happy Birthday Mom,
With lots of love,
August 10th, 2008

       Tina Mitchell

Friday, August 8, 2008

For My Younger Sister

I am very very proud of my sister Melody for graduating this year at Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology!!!!!! 

Awesome Achievement

Your college graduation
Fills us with love and pride.
We always knew that you could do
Whatever you really tried.

It's a long and challenging journey
To get a college degree,
But you wouldn't quit it, you just went and did it,
And we're beaming affectionately.

Your achievement is awesome, Melody;
You've worked hard and you've passed the test.
We love you so, and we want you to know,
We think you're the very best!


I can't believe that 4 years has already passed by and now you are no longer in college. You are no longer my little sister for you have passed me not only in height but now in school. I am proud to have you as my sister and I am pleased that you have found a career in which you love. No one can ever take that away from you. You should be very excited to be through with school and on to the life you have been waiting so long for. I love you so much, Melody! 

Thursday, August 7, 2008

All About KaYlA

Today was all about Kayla! She had a watermelon bubble bath in which she played with her Barbies and Dolphins. Then I blow dryed her hair and let her put on some of my favorite Ralph Lauren Romance Perfume and Preston put on some of Daddy's Unforgiven cologne of course. I put makeup on her while we waited on the curlers to heat up. Then we curled her hair and I painted her fingernails and toenails a light pink. After we were through with all the beauty stuff she looked in the mirror and told me that she was Beautiful! Wow! She went to her room and changed into her dress up clothes. She has been going around the house singing and dancing,like on my Riverdancing tape. I love having a little girl! Special Times! :)


I am trying to decide on whether or not to cut my hair short again. It is in that in between stage. I like my hair long but with my hair being so thick it takes forever to blow dry and straighten. I like my hair short but again it takes more time to style. Chris really likes it short but not short like I cut it back in November! Haha I was so mad and have not been back to Gould's since. Chris's dad is trying to get me to dye my hair back blond but I like having it my natural color...less to deal with and worry about when the roots start to show. When short it does seem to look darker. Well either this weekend or next weekend we are having a family haircut day sooooo should I cut it short or just get it trimmed?  

Almost 26

MB at Age 25
Well, let's just say it feels like yesterday I was attending Collierville High School, walking the halls with all my friends laughing and not thinking about how important each step I took was going to interfere with my life. I have actually accomplished a lot more than I thought I would by the age 25. I used to think that being in my twenties would be all about friends and fun girls nights out but my life took a spin. I met the man of my dreams early and I couldn't let him pass. And now that I look back I feel that everything I have done since High School might not have been in the right order but it has made me a stronger individual. I feel that God gave me tons of obstacles and I managed to get through them all without giving up and that means that I am doing everything the way it is suppose to be. I always wanted to be a mother so becoming a mother was very exciting for me! I just wanted to be finished with my career first which didn't happen. That is what scared me the most. Putting my life on hold for a while made me question if becoming an Elementary School teacher is what I really wanted or if I just wanted it because my parents were teachers and that is what I was familiar with. Now having two of my own I questioned this repeatedly. After my experiences having children I realized that I wanted to become a Neonatal Nurse. I just needed a little push in the right direction. I was scared once again of the major change in my decision. If it weren't for a girl named Talia I don't know if I would have stepped up to this exciting change. She gave me all the information I needed to pursue a career in Nursing. She even took me to the Med and I got to meet all the Neonatal Nurses and see the newborns. From here I transferred colleges and am able to take courses at my own pace, and night classes are extremely helpful so that I can stay at home during the day with Kayla and Preston. I have been thinking that it was best I put my career on hold because if I had finished school before starting a family then I might not be happy because of my career. So being a married woman now with two beautiful children has made my life sooo special and I wouldn't change anything! My family has made my life precious and I am very happy with all of my choices. Let's just say I do things backwards but in the end I am exactly where I am suppose to be and doing exactly what I am suppose to be doing with my life! Everything is great and soon I will be a Neonatal Nurse and couldn't be happier with my decision. Thanks Talia I owe you!:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No Title

Besides the fact that I haven't been able to wear my contacts for the last couple days due to close pink eye, I feel great! I got so much done yesterday! I reorganized all the cabinets in the kitchen, finished all the laundry, cleaned out the coat closet, went through all the mail we just keep for no reason. When Chris got home we had italian chicken and rice for dinner and then we went over to Brittany's house so that she could show us all the new puppies she has. The kids had  blast! Then we went over to his parents house to see the new living room and I've got to say that so far it looks 89% better, still some work to be done. We came back home and we all washed the cars together. Kayla soaked Preston so then the water hose fight was on. After we came in and put on dry clothes,  we put the babies to bed. Chris and I pulled out the couch bed in the den and watched Doomsday! WOW! It was a really good movie and I was excited to see that Kit from Nip/Tuck was the main actress. Yeah, this movie BLEW ME AWAY! haha 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

If Only...

If only the world could be set up more like this! Imagination would be created into real life. Colors everywhere and wherever you went you were protected from falling. Everyone peaceful and everyone is smiling. Hmmmm I think I will take this picture and write a story. Give me some time because I will probably not post the story until it is finished. Feel free to add any characters Amy and Melody, I know you can come up with some crazy things to say!


I love my family so much.

To be apart of a family like mine
is so divine
where love is shown
hurt is shared
our love for each other is never impaired

we talk
we laugh
we cry

but we are a family
and we do it all together
for as a family
we do it all as one

you hurt one
you hurt all
and as a family unit
we will all stand tall

for we are a family
a family full of strength
a family full of love
a family no one can touch
that's why I love my family so much.

Mahfooz Ali


Uhhhh Preston was giving me such a hard day!  Chris had already given him a shower, I had given him a bath because he hasn't been doing well with the underwear thing, and then he goes and gets a pen and draws all over himself! After his third washing we went to Grandaddy's and he decided he wanted to play in the dirt so when we got home he had another bath. BOYS! GEEEZZZZZZZZ!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Remodeling House

The last couple of days we have been helping Grandma and Grandaddy remodel their house. So far we have knocked down a wall to make the living room larger and more open and have ripped up all the carpet and put in new flooring. Chris and his dad are going to rebuild a wall to make a small hallway separating the den from the kitchen. At first his mom was not happy at all because we went through so much stuff and just threw it away! She likes to collect a lot of random things that to much of just looks like junk. Now that the living room is painted a light white with pink tint she is happy! I made a bunch of sandwiches for the guys. The sawing was loud and dust was flying everywhere so the kids mostly played outside. Poor Chris got a woodchip in his eye and now we both look like we have pink eye!  For the next couple of Sundays we will be skipping Family Meal Day and putting a lot of time into getting their house back into shape before the weather cools down to much. I seriously feel like we are on HGTV ,Property Ladder or Flip This House! 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Waking Up

Geez, Chris scared me last night! I had gone to bed around 11ish and was in a deep sleep. In my dream I hear someone banging loudly on the bedroom window screaming MARYBETH!!! over and over again! I wake up thinking what the heck! Then I look over and see a shadow through my window and hear Chris's voice.! Uhhhh he was home from wrestling and had forgotten his keys. I was like baby why didn't you just call me! haha 

Today we are grilling out the usual Cheeseburgers and Hotdogs! If it is not to hot today we will probably eat outside on the picnic table and let the kids swim. I need to layout, I am losing my tan! Oh and Amy thanks for the DVD of Hannah. Kayla found all the Easter Eggs before Hannah picked them up and she was so excited. Preston loved when she ate the bubbles and Dax's Karate! He was trying to copy all his moves and grunts!Haha Maybe when he is old enough we will let him take some classes! 

Saturday, August 2, 2008

More Movies

Fools Gold- Haha Chris and I laughed and laughed during this movie. I love Kate and Matthew together in movies! Very Very Cute.

The Bucket List was also great and I still can not get over how Jack Nickleson's voice was soooooo annoying when they were skydiving! 

The Spiderwick Chronicles was a good movie but I should have watched it before allowing Kayla to watch it. She asks a lot of questions, especially when it is something as strange as this movie was. Now she wants to eat crackers and honey and throw tomato sauce! haha!  I basically rented it because of the boy that played in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Space Chimps-ok so it started off really boringggggggg, then I missed most of the middle due to Preston's behavior. I came back in right when the monkeys were dancing with the gum drops and let me tell you that I was laughing soooooo hard! My favorite character was the little alien whose head lit up when she got scared haha Well, if you want to laugh then go see this movie! 

Fun Friday

Yesterday was a very fun day. First we ran errands with Grandma and Grandaddy and then we all rode up to Chris's work. We met with him around 1 and went to Hardee's for lunch. I haven't had Hardee's in forever and it brought back memories for Chris because his first job was there. After we ate, we dropped Chris back off at work and headed to the theater. We arrived at 4 and the kids had decided on Space Chimps which didn't start until 5 so we got our snacks a little early. Let me say that Kayla did not blink during the whole movie. Preston on the other hand was a wild child!! He couldn't decide who he wanted to sit beside, then he wanted his popcorn but then didn't want a certain person to hand it to him.Uhhhh I ended up taking him in the hallway and called Chris. Chris talked to him and then we went back in and Preston sat through the rest of the movie in my lap! He loves his Daddy!! After the movies the kids came home and drew on the front porch with chalk and then we all headed to bed early. After receiving a special phone call, I was up and waited on Chris to get home from his wrestling show in Arkansas. We stayed up and watched a movie and ate snacks.

About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!