Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Fun

Preston came and woke us up with much excitement! It was so cute because he was doing a happy dance and said that the Easter Bunny brought him a chocolate bunny and that he was sooooo happy!
He looks kind of happy about the larger portion of the gift!
We had to wake Kayla up. She was still very sleepy. Seemed confused about how a bunny could have possible brought these things to our house.
He loved his army basket with goods.
She loved her Tinkerbell dress up set.
Concentrating hard on painting her eggs for the hunt. She only wanted to decorate the pink eggs.
He looks like he is being sneaky about something hah.
Hmmmm this to high.....Do I want a PINK egg?  Well, yes he did get it.
It was pouring down rain, as you can tell. We had a lot of fun though.
Daddy, helping Preston search.
Kayla...not posing as I asked her to hold up her basket so I could see how many eggs she had found.

Preston had found and egg, but as Chris picked it up it was filled with ants! It was a plastic egg left over from last year....
The kids going through their eggs. Kayla ended up with $19 and Preston $17!


Anonymous said...

Oooh. I forgot about money eggs. That egg with ants- hahahahaha!!
Not too much of an Easter surprise.
I always wish we could go to these things.

melody said...

you got some really good pictures!

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!