Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun Weekend

Last night Chris and I took the kids to see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D! They absolutely loved it! Kayla hogged the popcorn and sat quietly with a sound here or there  and Preston made comments and giggled a lot. Preston barely wore his 3D glasses, but they were pretty large on him. Towards the end of the movie he climbed in Chris's lap and made a loud yawn so obviously he had had enough. When the movie was over, Kayla immediately asked to see it again. We plan on taking them to Ice Age in 3D coming soon!!!Kayla was invited to Hanna's birthday party at the Bowling Alley! Only her and Reighnan were the only girls that showed up from their class but they all had fun. Kayla commented on the silly shoes they made her wear! haha
Kayla origionally picked out the hot pink bowling ball which was way to heavy for her. We convinced her that this shiny red one was prettier and much lighter of course.
The girls waiting patiently for their next turns.
I was proud of Kayla. Unlike the other girls, she bowled all by herself!!!! Everytime she rolled the ball she put her hand up to her ear and waited to count how many pins she knocked over.
Up close to the gifts is her usual spot at parties! haha Kayla had a blast and handled herself well as I enjoyed just sitting back and watching!


melody said...

haha!! kayla all close to the girl opening presents! she's as close as you can get!
looks like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of Kayla too- she looks good in her bowling shoes. : )

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!