Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4 Leaf Clovers

Within the last two days I have found 5 four leaf clovers! I saved them all by putting them in Preston's baby album. :)


*Kayla had gone to sleep in her bedroom with her Strawberry Shortcake blanket and pillow because I had washed her comforter set and it was not dry yet. I woke up the next morning to find Kayla in the living room all bundled in the recliner with her comforter haha. How cute!

*Preston is already performing stunts on his skates! 

Monday, April 27, 2009


Another little girl had picked this flower and the mother threw a fit and would not let the girl even hold it. As far as I was concerned the flower had already been picked and was going to die anyways so why not let a little girl have fun with it. Kayla talked to the flower like it was her best friend!
Making her garden, lol.
1st day on bikes. Preston used his brakes constantly so he barely got anywhere. Kayla did not understand the meaning of breaks and kept slamming her feet down whenever she wanted to stop and then would wine about it.
Here we are on the trail with my college in the background!
Fun in the tree
Exhausted by the end of the trail

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun Weekend

Last night Chris and I took the kids to see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D! They absolutely loved it! Kayla hogged the popcorn and sat quietly with a sound here or there  and Preston made comments and giggled a lot. Preston barely wore his 3D glasses, but they were pretty large on him. Towards the end of the movie he climbed in Chris's lap and made a loud yawn so obviously he had had enough. When the movie was over, Kayla immediately asked to see it again. We plan on taking them to Ice Age in 3D coming soon!!!Kayla was invited to Hanna's birthday party at the Bowling Alley! Only her and Reighnan were the only girls that showed up from their class but they all had fun. Kayla commented on the silly shoes they made her wear! haha
Kayla origionally picked out the hot pink bowling ball which was way to heavy for her. We convinced her that this shiny red one was prettier and much lighter of course.
The girls waiting patiently for their next turns.
I was proud of Kayla. Unlike the other girls, she bowled all by herself!!!! Everytime she rolled the ball she put her hand up to her ear and waited to count how many pins she knocked over.
Up close to the gifts is her usual spot at parties! haha Kayla had a blast and handled herself well as I enjoyed just sitting back and watching!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

1st Camping Trip

The kids were lit up with happiness with their little lanterns. At the beginning of the walk they paniced a little bit with the darkness and stepping in puddles of mud. Once we got everything set up, they really enjoyed themselves.
Chris had gone back to the van, so Preston immediatly held his lantern up and said he was going to look for him.
Kayla sat silently for a few minutes. I could tell she was unsure of the whole "sleeping outside with the bugs" experience.
Preston was ALL FOR IT!
Chris with some of the things we brought along. haha When I took this picture it was dark so I was excited it turned out and even happier that it was Chris coming our way. ahhhh
Chris helped the children with roasting marshmellows and hotdogs. Kayla had picked out strawberry marshmellows and in my opinion weren't as good as the origional. A speck of fire landed on Kayla's pants and burnt a small hole in them.....all was and is fine.
Kayla wondered why her pink marshmellow was all of a sudden black and did not eat any after that haha. Preston really focused while roasting his.
Gotta have a silly pic!
We had so much fun just playing in the tent,singing songs, and telling funny stories.
They passed out a little after midnight. I stayed with them and Chris went to the river to fish. Around 3:38am I woke Chris up because I thought I heard some sort of animal getting into our bags. Chris checked and said that nothing was out there and that I was just being paranoid. Then a couple minutes later I woke up again and Chris was sitting up in the tent with the car keys clicking the lock button. He said that he thought he heard someone hitting something with a baseball bat. After that he couldn't sleep so decided to make lots of racket cracking sticks for the fire so that I couldn't go back to sleep. Hah besides the noise the fire lit up the tent so it was no longer as dark as I would have liked it. Kayla and Preston slept soundly for the most part. They did a lot better then we expected.
Woke up kinda confused. Kayla was excited that she didn't have an accident in her sleeping bag and the first thing Preston said was, "Is my hair all messed up?" lol
It started to sprinkle and we were parked in the dirt so we decided to cut our trip short and head back home. Preston did not take his eyes off Chris until he was out of sight ...of course.
Here is the view from above our tent.
Kayla was absorbing the atmosphere in.
Here is the river which was up ahead of where we camped. Chris had no luck this time catching any fish.
The trail from our van as we were leaving.

Easter Fun

Preston came and woke us up with much excitement! It was so cute because he was doing a happy dance and said that the Easter Bunny brought him a chocolate bunny and that he was sooooo happy!
He looks kind of happy about the larger portion of the gift!
We had to wake Kayla up. She was still very sleepy. Seemed confused about how a bunny could have possible brought these things to our house.
He loved his army basket with goods.
She loved her Tinkerbell dress up set.
Concentrating hard on painting her eggs for the hunt. She only wanted to decorate the pink eggs.
He looks like he is being sneaky about something hah.
Hmmmm this to high.....Do I want a PINK egg?  Well, yes he did get it.
It was pouring down rain, as you can tell. We had a lot of fun though.
Daddy, helping Preston search.
Kayla...not posing as I asked her to hold up her basket so I could see how many eggs she had found.

Preston had found and egg, but as Chris picked it up it was filled with ants! It was a plastic egg left over from last year....
The kids going through their eggs. Kayla ended up with $19 and Preston $17!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


My friend Mary Ann came to D-burg to visit me! We had a lot of fun attending Chris's wrestling show. After the show we showed off our own wrestling moves hahaha. It was hilarious! 

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!