Friday, November 28, 2008

Robertson's 1st Thanksgiving

Kayla was very helpful! She held the door open for everyone and passed out plates and napkins!
Chris carving his 1st Turkey!
Desserts: Kayla and I made the pumpkin and apple pie and we bought the pecan pie from Perkins.
We have corn casserole, green bean casserole, the turkey, devil eggs, sweet potato casserole, creamy vegetable casserole. Not shown we also had honey baked ham, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing and turkey gravy and rolls.
The Robertson Family

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kayla's Thanksgiving Feast

Kayla and her teacher Mrs. Mandy
Teaching Assistant Mrs. Sonja

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Early Christmas Fun

Today we went to the mall for Breakfast with Santa at Sweet Peppers Deli! The kids were very excited to meet the "real" Santa. haha I got tired of taking them to the yard decor at Walmart because they just knew he was still there. Well what we thought was going to be breakfast was two doughnut holes and a swallow of orange juice. Haha After Santa visited our table, we walked around the mall for a bit and then went to Applebees for lunch. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Movie Review


TinkerBell- This movie was very fun to watch. It contains bright colors and lots of little fairy characters, not just TinkerBell. Kayla absolutely loved this movie. It is so cute watching her watch a movie and laughing out loud and then repeating the funny parts.

The Happening- Chris rented this movie thinking it was going to be scary. Well it was not scary but it was very shocking, funny, and sad all at the same time. The movie starts out kind of slow and remains kind of slow but it keeps you watching.

The Strangers- This movie again was very very slow and there is a lot of silence and not a lot of talking. Mainly just music and AHHH, OMG, THERE COMING kinda stuff. The movie really did not make a lot of since to me and I was very disappointed with the ending.

SpeedRacer- I thought this was going to be a good movie based on the appearance of the scenes. I really thought that Preston would get into it because of the racing. Well, we sat down as a family to watch it and Chris fell asleep, Preston started skipping around the house, Kayla wanted to watch TinkerBell and I just wasn't getting into we turned it off within the first 10 minutes and never tried to watch it again.

Deception- This movie also started out slow and you have to pay close attention to understand things. I really got into this movie and was surprised by the ending. 

Get Smart- We went into Hasting looking for a really good comedy and everyone kept telling us to get this movie. Even when we took Preston to get his haircut the stylist said that she had watched it 4 times. Well.......Chris and I didn't laugh much and ended up turning it off and going to bed because we just weren't feeling the humor. Even THE ROCK wasn't that great of an actor. Another movie we did not even finish watching.

Twin Daggers- We must have had bad luck this go round. We watched the first 5 minutes and turned it off. If you like martial arts then I recommend you don't watch this movie because it will only disappoint you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well, I am disappointed to say that Thanksgiving will be quite different this year! My older sister Amy just had her second child and will be staying in Texas for this holiday with her husband and his family. Melody has recently graduated and has her first "REAL" job at  a pet hospital and since she took off work to visit Amy during her delivery has been scheduled to work on Thanksgiving. My mom has chosen to visit Amy in Texas and my dad is going to Murfreesboro to be with Melody. I am staying here in Dyersburg and cooking my 1st Thanksgiving meal for the Robertson Family! I am nervous but excited at the same time. I will miss seeing my family for this holiday but will see them for Christmas for sure. Ever since Chris and I have been together we have always had Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family in Collierville/Cordova so I think it is time for Chris's family. 
Here is my menu so far:   
Turkey and Ham (No Honey Baked Hams here :()
Swiss Vegetable Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole with marshmellows
Corn Casserole
Cheesy Potato Bake
Deviled Eggs
Cranberry Sauce
Cornbread/ Rolls
Double Pumpkin Creme Pie
Memories from last Thanksgiving:         
I had just had my hair cut really short and was upset. LOL
Melody and I went and tanned a lot at my salons Collierville/Wolf River.      
 *** Help me out Melody ..I have forgotten... I remember more from Christmas**                          

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spring Registration

Well I am registered for my Spring classes here at Dyersburg State. I will be taking Anatomy and Physiology II and Masterpieces of Music I. My graduation date has been set for May 15th,2011. Seems like a while but it really goes by quickly considering I have a family to take care of as well. I think it will be the perfect present for my dad whose birthday is May 16th and my father in law whose birthday is May 15th.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

 My Fireman and Sleeping Beauty with wings!!!
Family Photo before taking the kids trick or treating! Preston is already tired of wearing his hat. 
Kayla wanted to stay home and play fairies with Mommy!

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!