Monday, December 14, 2009

Trip to the ER

I had to rush Preston to the hospital due to a busted chin! I was in the front bathroom windexing the mirror and I heard a loud scream. Preston and Kayla were both in the recliner and when Preston was trying to get down, the recliner turned and he fell and busted his chin on the coffee table. (The kids story). At first I thought it was nothing major because Preston only cried for a minute and wanted to play. Kayla was very disturbed by the blood. I grabbed a wet rag and held it there for a sec. Preston asked if he could have a bandaid and when I removed the rag is when I noticed that the skin was cut. When we arrived at the ER< he was so excited to get on the hospital bed. When the Nurse came in he said that he was going to poot on her. I was soooo embarrassed but, she told him that she was going to bring her dog to the hospital and he was going to poot on him. Preston laughed sooo hard and told the Nurse, Well I have a dog too and I will bring her up to the hospital to poot on your dog.

As you can see, Preston was acting like nothing even happened. He was very hyper and having a blast.

The cut is right below his chin which is a good thing as far as visibility. Chris has a scar in almost the same place.

They used a purple glue to seal it and butterfly bandages. Preston was very brave and was very still while the Nurse was taking care of him.

1 comment:

melody said...

oh no!! i was so scared at first when i saw that he'd had an accident.... i'm glad it was just a hurt chin and that he's ok!

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!