Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sadie thought she couldn't be she waits to get the shoe strings.
...and he slides down....and HELLO!

Sadie, watching some t.v. in peace haha
Uh oh she is big enough to climb on her own now!
We all knew this would happen, haha. She had some Tinkerbell wings on her but that picture turned out blurry.
"Tickle Tickle", he said.
Saying Goodnight

After running around the house a couple of times she was tired.


melody said...

haha sadie is the cutest thing! i can't wait to see her-- have you gotten her shots?! they are very important!

Anonymous said...

Yes, shots! We are going to bug you until you confirm this, you know!! Melody has seen what happens to dogs without shots.
She is the sweetest. I can tell she's very happy there! I want to meet her too. Hannah would love her.

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!