Monday, August 31, 2009


After many many months of going back and forth between if we wanted a dog, what type of dog do we want, do we want a male or female, are the kids ready for a pet....we have decided on a female chocolate lab and we named her Sadie.

She loves Preston's energy and they bonded rather quickly.
Kayla likes to hold her a little to much. We have to constantly tell her to put Sadie down. We even caught Kayla putting her tinkerbell wings on Sadie as well as a hair bow.
She isn't sure about her bed yet.
Just resting
She completes our family.

1 comment:

melody said...

i can't believe i didn't know about this yet! she is so cute!!! the first picture of preston holding her is funny! and kayla looks so cute holding her in the second picture! her legs are crossed haha!

where did you find her?

i have a lot of questions- is she dewormed? most puppies have worms that were passed on from the mom! and you will need to get her a distemper parvo shot soon because a lot of puppies get parvo easily and it's terrible. and get flea control and heartworm preventative! my work gives free samples the first couple of times a new puppy visits, so hopefully somewhere in dyersburg does that.

and this is random advice, but you need to make sure you play with her paws a lot as she is getting older to get her used to them being handled, because it makes it 100x easier later to do nail trims... haha

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!