Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Random

*I had bought several eggs during the weekend of Easter and Chris didn't realize that I had and he had bought more. Well the expiration date was coming up and so Chris decided instead of throwing them all away, that he was going to boil them and then him and the kids would just eat them as their snacks throughout the day. Well, he got started talking about wrestling on the phone with a buddy and smelt something. He shouted, "GO GET THOSE EGGS! " I ran in the kitchen and the pan contained no water and several of the eggs had cracked and even burnt! We were both laughing so hard because they were wasted anyways... after all that!

*Preston and Kayla had been playing mermaids in the bathtub.....and of course, the mermaids had to have their hair brushed and blow dried as well. :)

*I walked into the living room to find that Kayla and Preston were wearing our winter coats pretending to be monsters. Kayla had the hood up on hers and was shouting ROAR in a deep voice..creeping up behind Preston. Lol It was really funny.


melody said...

hahah!! "go get those eggs!"

that monster game seems fun! like something we would have come up with when we were little

Anonymous said...

Awww- Melody stole my exact comment!
GO GET THOSE EGGS!!!- there, mine's bigger : ) That is so funny!

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!