Monday, September 29, 2008

Just Chillin

So, I decided out of the blue to just CHOP all my hair off and I LOVE it! 

Our Friends

A Night Out
Tracy and Chris; Stan, Derrick; Anthony and Jeanna

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Today was Kayla's Picture Day! 
We are getting ready to have a yard sale and I am getting rid of all the MANY toys and such that the kids never play with, the double stroller and much more. Other than that I have been busy with College, Kayla's Preschool, taking care of the house, studying for my HESI Exam coming up in January, quality time with family, and myself! Kayla is spending the weekend with my parents and is excited to mark the last X on her calendar for we have been planning this for the last two weeks. Preston will be spending some time with Daddy and I get to go out and do my own thing! Yeah!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kayla is now in Elementary School

Kayla standing proudly in front of her school! 
Kayla was really excited about meeting her teacher Mrs. Mandy today! She had her shots yesterday and told the Nurses that she was ready for her shots because she couldn't go to school without them! 

Friday, September 12, 2008


I just received a phone call from the Assistant Principal at Dyersburg Primary School and Kayla has been enrolled in the Pre K program! I was expecting a couple of months from now!!!! She goes for her screening on Wednesday and we are all really excited for her! I taught Kayla how to read her 1st book. Just A Mess by Mercer Mayer. 

Our New Pets

So Chris decided on a 75 Gallon Fish Aquarium instead of a puppy! I love it! Right now we just have some small fish in there and are looking for some larger fish. As you can tell we need a lot of decor to fill up the empty space. Our 30 gallon fish tank was to crowded anyways. Right now we have the snails in it so that they can reproduce. The fish were messing with them to much.  
This is our huge sucker fish! His main purpose is for cleaning the tank. He is taking a break in this picture!

Monday, September 8, 2008

School News

Kayla is 4th on the waiting list for the Elementary School Pre-K Program!!!!! I know she is excited and I will be as the list keeps decreasing! It is a beautiful school and I was very impressed today when meeting some of the teachers and staff.

Nurse MB

So how do I look in my spazzy Lab Coat?! Haha Nursing is a totally new experience and I love it! I am in the process of growing my bacteria now and it is very neat to watch.

Trip for More Fish

Well, our fish from the Fair didn't make it very long, so Chris and I brought the kids to the Pet Store to pick out some more fish. Preston got a little distracted by following this cat throughout the store. It was fun for him but not for me. I am allergic to cats and was sneezing almost the whole time. Kayla picked out a pink/orange fish and Preston picked out a blue/yellow fish. Chris picked out several others so hopefully they will do well. Our snails are growing so big. We are hoping for little ones soon and we already have a list of people who want to buy them. 


Friday, September 5, 2008

Kayla's Hair Cut

Today Kayla got her hair cut! We ran errands all day and she was exhausted by this time. 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New PJ's

Our 5 Year Anniversary

August 30th, 2008 was our 5 year Wedding Anniversary!
Chris and I went took the kids to McDonalds to get Happy Meals and then took them home for the grandparents to watch while we went to Cruisers Grill for our date. Our 1st time experience was great. I think Chris's favorite part was that while we were waiting on our food he got to play video games. haha  We had some amazing Nachos as our appetizer. I had a Ribeye Steak with a loaded baked potato , and a house salad with ranch/1000. Chris had the Cowboy Sirloin and same sides as me. They had some awesome dinner rolls as well with strawberry butter ummmmmm.

After lunch we went and saw Mirrors with Keifer Sutherland from the show 24! This movie was extremely good if you like scary movies! It was very insane and if you have kids, in some parts hard to watch. 

After the movie we went gathered the children and went over to Jr.'s house and rode three wheelers and visited Great Grandparents. Then everyone came over to our house and we ordered Papa Johns Pizza for dinner and just hung out!

Labor Day

For the weekend we borrowed a friends four wheeler and went down to the river.  We found a little spot for the kids to play in the dirt and we all took turns riding!

A Night at The FAIR

Chris's parents took all of us to the Fair last night and the kids had sooooooooo much fun!We were hesitant about going because it had been raining but luckily it lightened up and the kids wore their raincoats my parents had gotten them for Christmas. Preston barely made the 36'' mark to ride the rides! At first I was a little worried about Preston getting scared on some of the rides because last year he cried on the row boats and we all know how slow those go. Kayla took off running and wanted to ride everything in sight even the adult rides. She threw a fit because she didn't want to ride the bumper cars, she wanted to ride the Sizzler! They both were winners on the duck game and won big balloon dolphins that squeak. They also really enjoyed winning some goldfish... we came home with three. (We already had one fish  so Kayla decided it was appropriate that he was named King, the rest were Queen, Princess, and Prince.) I was surprised when they both went on the spaceship ride. Preston looked at me and said,"I don't like this mommy!" with his eyes so big and wondering why he couldn't sit up. I couldn't see Kayla because she was on the other side of Chris but Grandaddy told me that her eyes were wide open and she was squeezing his arm. They were spoiled with all sorts of foods, blue and pink cotton candy, nachos, lemonades, funnel cakes, and caramel candy apples! We had eaten at Wendy's right before hoping to save some money but ummm guess not. Chris's dad's favorite game is the Mouse Game......he won a stuffed pig, dog, and bear for the kids. Later in the night Chris took off to ride some adult rides! I love FREAK OUT! It is my favorite! Every year I look for that ride and will not leave until I have ridden it. We rode the Tornado and I almost blacked out and got sick. I was running fever earlier yesterday morning and had just eaten all that junk food...haha not the best ride for me! The whole family rode the magic carpet slides. It was so funny because everytime we raced, Chris's mom would get stuck and we all just burst with laughter. We had a FUN FAMILY NIGHT. 

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!