Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our 7 Year Wedding Anniversary

August 30th 2010! Wow..I can not believe it has been 7 years since Chris and I were married! Today Chris and I just relaxed around our new home. We watched several Law and Order episodes (without pausing,rewinding, or having to turn the volume up!) We treated ourselves to lunch at Applebees and walked around the mall. The kids were excited to see Chris when they got off the bus. We took them and Sadie on a nature walk behind our house in which Sadie had a blast swimming in the pond. Together we went to Preston's football practice. For dinner Chris made his homemade chili and it was sooo good!

Preston Flag Football

This Fall Preston is playing Flag Football! Chris and I know absolutely nothing about football...sooooo he is a little behind on learning the game. At 1st he was a little timid but is now picking up speed and enjoying himself. It took him a couple times of crying when his flags were ripped off to understand that he could run and tear others flags off. I am really looking forward to future practices and games.

Kayla Fall Soccer

Kayla has been really excited about playing soccer this Fall which surprised us. She has played before and only complained. Kayla's team is Family Practice with the Dyersburg YMCA. Both of her Coaches are men, and they actually do drills instead of just letting the kids run around and kick the ball like her previous team at a much younger age. It has been fun watching her competitive side.

Dyer County Football Game

We are now Dyer County Choctaws!!!! We attended our first football game and it was outrageously packed! Totally, a different experience from when we attended the Dyersburg Games last season. We had Christian for the weekend so the kids were excited to meet him for the very first time. The boys enjoyed passing the football and rolling down the hill. Kayla stayed with her group of friends from school and it was so funny listening to them "girl talk". By half time we were all very tired so decided to head on home.

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!