Monday, August 31, 2009

Our 6 year Anniversary

Chris finally bought himself a truck! It is a 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 Silver :)

Brian let Kayla and Preston come over to play while we went to Jackson to have dinner at Red Lobster.

Kids New Rooms

Preston's 4th B-day

I brought Preston's class cupcakes to celebrate. All the kids sang Happy Birthday to him and each made him a card. :)
His teacher Mrs. Adair is giving him his birthday spanking! haha
Wow! Is Preston really one of the few actually sitting down....
Preston loves his basketball set!!! He found it a couple days early and we made him wait until his birthday to play with it.
I baked Preston a marble dinosaur cake with crumbled oreos.
Waiting to open gifts with Dalton, Logan, Kendall, and Kayla.

He giggled when opening his card from Great Mamaw!
The power tools were a great hit!
When he opened his fireman dress up he was a little confused and called it his very own wrestling gear. So of course he ran to dad to help it put it on!
Me and the Birthday Boy
I had pulled out all Preston's toy dinosaurs and used them as decor throughout the kitchen and living room to match his plates he had picked out. We grilled out cheeseburgers and hotdogs with french fries.

Along with the cake, the kids made their own ice cream sundaes. It was a lot of fun.

Also, from Aunt Amy....some ABC and Go Fish Cards and some sports stickers with workbooks
Papaw. Family Dinner Card Game, Contruction Worker and Doctor dress up
Grandma is planning a special day with him when she has more time :))))
Great Mamaw, $25 and Dinosaur Card
Brian and kids..Mr. America action hero
Mommy and Daddy...fireman dress up, john deer power tools, basketball goal, coloring books, sponge animals.


After many many months of going back and forth between if we wanted a dog, what type of dog do we want, do we want a male or female, are the kids ready for a pet....we have decided on a female chocolate lab and we named her Sadie.

She loves Preston's energy and they bonded rather quickly.
Kayla likes to hold her a little to much. We have to constantly tell her to put Sadie down. We even caught Kayla putting her tinkerbell wings on Sadie as well as a hair bow.
She isn't sure about her bed yet.
Just resting
She completes our family.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Papaws Birthday

A day of Fishing

Preston's 1st Day of Pre Kindergarten

Well, I can honestly say that Preston was very excited to go to school today! He went last week for his screening so he has already met his teacher Mrs. Adair. He woke up this morning with a smile on his face and even got dressed by himself. He is holding his money for breakfast and lunch and said he was a big boy now and he wanted to give it to his teacher. :)

Tea Party at the Library

Getting her make-up on
One time I walked over to the table and the girls were talking about goat heads haha!
Kayla loved the mini sandwiches.

Layne, Kayla, Braylin, and Jaylin

She had the most fun with Jaylin.
Changing dresses again...and again lol

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!