Sunday, October 12, 2008


He waited very patiently throughout the wrestling show to get in the ring. I took several pictures but he moved around so fast this was the only decent one. Ha

Kayla's Fun Weekend

This weekend Kayla had her first friend spend the night! Kendall is the daughter of some of our friends from wrestling. She has two older brothers so was just as excited to get away for a while and do some girly things. She borrowed one of Kayla's night gowns so they could match. The girls had fun playing with dress up and Barbies.
For dinner we made a homeade pepperoni pizza which in my opinion was ugghhhhhh but the kids ate it up. Afterwards we baked pumpkin cookies and the girls watched Barbie Island Princess.
It was close to midnight before they fell asleep. I had to put Preston to sleep in our room because he kept sneaking in there and jumping on the girls.haha Kayla and Kendall fell asleep holding hands and eventually let go.
The girls woke up bright and early ready to play some more. We had eggs and Cheerios for breakfast. The kids played outside all morning and we had lunchables for snack in the play cabin.haha

Saturday we took Kendall back home and stayed for her brothers, Dalton and Logan's combined birthday party. At the party I met the wife of a guy that works with Chris and she is also in the Nursing Program at Dyersburg State. Later on we went out to eat with friends and Kendall asked her dad if Kayla could spend the night soooo we let her! Her first time to spend the night out besides my parents house! Ahhhh Preston was upset so I took him to Chris's wrestling show later that night so he had fun too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Summer Reading Program

Today I took the kids to the library for a Halloween Puppet Show and the kids were presented their certificates and books for the Summer Reading Program. Kayla and Preston both were read over 100  books so they each received a special book. Kayla was given, Ballet Kitty Ballet Class and Preston was given, Critter Sitter. These books are to remain in the library but the kids were the 1st to check them out. These books are labeled with their name and that they read 100 or more books in 2008. I think this is sooooo neat because when they are older they can check out their books and when they have kids they can check them out! The kids were really excited about it!

About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, student, sister, aunt,& stepmom, and now a step grandma!